Think3 innovations
Think3 innovations

Read the sentences and say if you think the changes are positive or negative and why. The country _ a period of economic growth in the 1970s.ģ Scientific progress has brought about many changes in everyday life. The _ on a computer screen is made up of thousands of pixels.ĩ. You do not need any teaching _ for this job.Ĥ. Now complete the sentences with some of the words above.ġ. To invent – an invention – an inventor to change – a change to imagine – an image – imagination possible – impossible – possibility to perform – performance to experience – experience to create – creation – creative will be discovered.Ģ Read and translate the words and say which parts of speech they are. What innovations do you think the future is going to bring? Say what you believe we will be able to do in ten/twenty/fifty years’ time. May well become tomorrow’s day before yesterday. Twenty years may well surpass our wildest fantasies and today’s tomorrow The technological innovations we are to experience during the next It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences.Ī INNOVATIONS IN OUR LIFE experience – переживать, испытыватьġ Read and translate the statement. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of God's gifts.

Think3 innovations